
Technology tool

Adds value and generates more efficient processes in foreign trade procedures.

Integration of commercial invoices

Processing invoices to integrate their data into foreign trade applications.

Benefit of using e-globalinvoice.mx

Commercial invoice data is presented in file formats that allow integration into your traffic or customs system, avoiding manual data entry and considerably reducing merchandise dispatch time.

Also know:



Eliminates manual data entry and associated errors

Time saving

Minimizes costs

Speeds up foreign trade processes

Enables human resources to focus on more productive tasks

Strengthens the commercial relationship with the importer or exporter client

Avoids possible fines related to capture errors

Enables the assignment of competitive rates

Promotes the automation of foreign trade processes


Helps to meet performance indicators


Service - Invoice Format Validation

  • For each print format (native PDF) associated with a commercial invoice, a validation must be performed to confirm the feasibility of the data extraction process. If the format is approved, the user will be able to request the processing of all commercial invoices that comply with the authorized print format.

Service - Invoice Processing

  • This service involves receiving a native PDF file from the user, processing it in a matter of minutes, and providing the user with the option to download the invoice data in the desired file format (xls, txt, xml).
  • Excel, XML or TXT formats allow the integration of data extracted from the PDF into computer systems that require the data to perform other functions.
  • The e-globalinvoice.mx application receives a file in native PDF format from the user, processes it in a matter of minutes and gives the user the possibility to download the invoice data in the desired file format (xls, txt, xml).
    • The native PDF can be sent via email or integrated into the application portal.

For Customs Agents and Custom Brokers

  • For each print format (native PDF) associated with a commercial invoice, a validation must be performed to confirm whether the data extraction process is viable. If the format is approved, the user will be able to request the processing of all commercial invoices that comply with the authorized print format.
  • Each validated commercial invoice format is assigned a Format Number and a unique email address.
  • There are two options to request the processing of a commercial invoice:
    • One option is for the user to integrate the invoice PDF into the e-gloablinvoice.mx application indicating the format number associated with the PDF.
    • Another option is for the user to send an email attaching one or more PDF files.
  • The excel, xml or txt formats allow the integration of commercial invoice data into a traffic or customs system as part of the operational process; thus streamlining sub-processes such as tariff classification, classification sheet generation and cove request.
  • FTP and/or Web Services are available to automate the delivery and reception of content between the user application and the e-globalinvoice.mx application.
  • Automatic integration of commercial invoice content into the user's traffic system is possible through the web services available to your IT team.
  • The processing service works for single-page or multi-page invoices. That is, for invoices with one item or hundreds of items, and the processing time is equally fast for both cases.

Schedule an appointment for an online demonstration.


Tariff Plans


1 - 100

Monthly invoices


USD per invoice


101 - 350

Monthly invoices


USD per invoice


351 - 1,000

Monthly invoices


USD per invoice


1,001 - 2,500

Monthly invoices


USD per invoice


2,501 - 5,000

Monthly invoices


USD per invoice


More than 5,000

Monthly invoices


USD per invoice


Find out what our clients think about our services.

Thanks to this service, I was able to get a new client who wants to ship the same day because they handle perishable merchandise.

I was able to get a client who operates every day of the week from 6 am, and thanks to this invoice processing, I did not have to hire staff to meet all the demand that this account requires.

It works like a charm! My suppliers send their PDF invoices directly to Global PCNet and the agency executives have them ready in the traffic system even when the merchandise is in transit.

It is such an effective tool that once implemented in the operation, the benefits in time reduction and avoiding capture errors are reflected immediately.

Since this new service was introduced in the agency, the audits that clients do for me are no longer a headache because they find no discrepancies in the information.

With the help of this invoice automation, my traffic executives no longer have to work overtime.

It is an innovative tool that makes the difference for us when looking for new clients for the agency, since now we have the capacity to dispatch much faster and without errors with the same traffic staff.

The speed and accuracy with which the information is processed is impressive, since I have invoices for 1 item and I also manage invoices for close to 300 items per invoice and they all deliver them to me on average in less than 2 minutes and without errors.

Personally, it is very useful for consolidated traffic because the container is declared on the invoice and this service not only prevents me from having to capture invoices, but also relates the invoices to their container and automatically generates the assembly of the shipments within the traffic system.

I implemented this new service with the main client of the customs agency and they themselves realized how quickly the merchandise is now dispatched without errors and I managed to get them to give me a larger volume.

Sign Up

Steps to sign up:

  • Create an account as an e-globalinvoice.mx user
  • Request first format validation
  • Receive approved feasibility response
  • Request invoice processing
    • You have 5 free processing sessions per format
  • Make payment to credit your account
  • Continue requesting services
    • Validation of new formats
    • Processing of validated formats
  • Credit your account as required
  • The format validation service is free
  • The invoice processing service is free for the first 5 requests for each approved format
  • About the format validation service:
    • Initially, we only work until we have 3 formats with approved feasibility
    • To continue with more format validation services, requests for invoice processing of the approved formats are required

Also know:

Global PCNet Trafico


Send us your message, we will reply as soon as possible.


Ave. Guerrero #2863 - Nuevo Laredo, Tamps.
302 Crossroads St. Suite A, Laredo, TX.

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